The Save the Forest Award is granted by WildSweden each year since 2017 and comes with a price money of 10,000 SEK.

With this award we aim to show respect and acknowledgment to young people who stand up for the biodiversity in Sweden’s wild and beautiful forests.

Who wins next year? Send your nomination to:


Linda Johansson - Winner 2023

Announcing the recipient of the Save the Forest Award: Linda, a passionate young biologist hailing from Jämtland! Linda's profound affection for all forest-dwelling species, particularly small kryptogams, has made her a true champion of biodiversity.

From her early years, Linda's connection with nature blossomed, leading her to dedicate almost all her free time to studying various species in diverse forest habitats. With a special focus on lichens and mosses, she explores old growth forests, often accompanied by friends or in solitary communion with nature. Hours spent before the microscope further enrich her understanding.

Yet, Linda's impact extends beyond personal exploration. She fervently shares her knowledge with fellow enthusiasts, igniting a passion for biodiversity among those eager to learn in their leisure time or professionally connected to nature. Linda envisions a world where more individuals discover the joy of exploring biodiversity, encouraging others to engage with Sweden's remarkable NGOs, each specializing in different organism groups.

Linda, congratulations on this well-deserved recognition, and thank you for your tireless efforts to conserve and celebrate our precious forests!


Sunniva Olsson – Winner 2022

Sunniva Olsson from Uppsala is a film maker with a strong commitment to nature conservation.

She draws attention to nature and its importance through the production of nature and environmental documentaries. She is also mentoring young people in documentary film production with a focus on environmental issues.

- There are so many people who are passionate about nature conservation and do incredibly wonderful things, but often who get far too little credit for it, says Sunniva.

– I got involved in order to achieve changes and to benefit the forest and the environment, as well as spread interest so that more people can and want to get involved. Succeeding in that is always the biggest win.

WildSweden would like to send a big thank you to Sunniva for her important contribution to saving Sweden’s forests.


Anton Björk – winner 2021

Anton Björk from Orsa in Dalarna is this year's winner. Despite his young age he has an impressive knowledge in discovering forests worth protecting.

He has a great interest in fungi and he spends a lot of his free time in the woods with the aim to identify rare species that can help protecting forests with rich biodiversity, primarily ​​in the county of Dalarna.

In an interview with the website Naturesidan, Anton says "Many people are not aware that there is a huge difference between natural forests and planted forests. I hope more people become interested in biodiversity and that more people get out there to identify and report species."

With this award, we want to thank Anton for his efforts to preserve our wild forests. Good luck on your way!


ISAK VAHLSTRÖM – winner 2019

Isak is a young biologist active in northern Sweden who has devoted himself to protect our natural and old growth forests and the species that lives there.

His interest in nature began with birds but he has in recent years taken a big interest in lichen and fungi, many which only can be found in healthy and older forests.

Trough volunteer work on weekends and holidays Isak has, together with other forest activist, helped to educate the swedish public about industrial forestry, the effects it has on our biodiversity and how to save the forests from deforestation.

By conducting field studies to identify threatened species in areas that has been notified for deforestation Isak aims to keep the important forests from being felled. At the same time he is meddling with politicians and government to find solutions that can benefit everyone without putting the forests and its inhabitants in harm's way.

WildSweden would like to send a big thank you to Isak for his important contribution to saving the forests and it’s biodiversity.

The picture is Isak in his natural habitat, an old growth forest, this is during a visit in Siberia. Photo: Aron Dynesius


Helena Björnström – winner 2018

Helena is a fantastic inspiration for people who wants to save natural forests. She is sharing her passion and knowledge not only about mushrooms and lichens, but also about the importance of the biodiversity in our taiga ecosystem.

Helena is a mushroom consultant and dedicated nature guide, for example when she takes visitors for educational walks in Fulufjället National Park in Central Sweden. She is also leading courses in species and nature conservation. And conducting field studies to identify threatened species in forests.

During 2018 she led an expedition called Forskningsresan that aim to teach and inspire people to identify threatened species in the forest. This expedition was a great success much thanks to Helena’s commitment.

We would like to send a big thank you to Helena for her important contribution to save old growth forests and it’s biodiversity.

This is a picture of Helena in a fantastic forest in Leipipir between Gällivare and Nattavaara in the county of Norrbottens in Swedish Lapland.


Rebecka Le Moine - winner 2017

Rebecka is a nature conservation biologist with a strong commitment to environmental issues, especially those related to biodiversity in Sweden’s forests.

Rebecka has organized several demonstrations to highlight the importance of biodiversity. She is also the initiator of the national Biodiversity Day, which is now celebrated annually with hundreds of activities around Sweden.

With this award, we want to thank Rebecka for her commitment to the forest and its biodiversity. Keep up your amazing work! We are convinced that you will change the world.


>> Who do you want to see as a winner next year? Send your nomination to: <<